Media Releases

October/November 2010
SA Mines & Energy Journal
Solar technology purifies water on a grand scale

Quality water supply is always an issue for mineral extractors and processors – new technology provides a potential alternative.

Access to water is one of the many challenges facing South Australian resource companiesoperating in remote locations. Companies must identify and source their own water resources, typically from aquifersystems, and treat to a suitable
standard for potable and mineralprocessing requirements.

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31 May 2010
Media Release -The District Council of Ceduna / F Cubed Solar Desal Farm
World first – solar desalination farm secures town water supplies

Australian company, F CUBED, has signed an $11 million MOU to supply pure, clean drinking water
to the South Australian town of Ceduna using its breakthrough Carocell solar desalination

This Australian-first has already sparked international interest with organisations in 20 different
countries, including the United Nations Office of Project Services and World Bank, indicating
significant interest in the technology.

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